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Trucking through the Tremors of Trauma

First of all, I must let all readers know that my relationship with God is the loudest voice in my life.  It’s the anchoring influence over all that I do and all that I am.  Furthermore, it began through Jesus Christ.  Although this is a blog about trauma it’s also a blog about a relationship with the Lord.  I intentionally want each of you to know exactly what you’re getting into as you decide to read on.   Even with Christ, my story does not diminish the constriction and the grip of trauma on one’s life.  I didn’t receive a one swipe miracle followed by complete freedom.  There has been a step by step “trucking” process, which I’ll explain.  The process is still underway, therefore it’s brave of me to share a part of my story that is still unfinished.  I risk repeated failure and I risk mockery, but it’s a risk worth taking if even one person decides to commit to the trucking process. Even better, I’d consider it worth it if just one of you chooses to embrace the One who assigns purp
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